Well, it's certainly no better in the states as far as the violence is concerned.
A friend of mine in college was raped in a much different situation. She had had too much to drink and this guy(from a neighboring college) sort of led her back to her room and started kissing her. She kept telling him no, but he just kept going farther and then she said she blacked out.
I think her family was horrified (strict Catholic) and didn't give her the support she needed.
Now obviously your friend was in a much different situation, but from what I've read and watching my friend go through it there's deffinitely a period of hating yourself and hating sex for a lot of women who are raped. Just try to give her support. Talk to her about it as much as you can. Maybe pick up a book on it so you can better understand how to give the support she needs. And counseling is, of course, an option but that's up to her if she wants to go.