Originally posted by timalkin
I'd blame it on the decimation of the family unit, but that's just me and my old-fashioned, close-minded beliefs.
I was thinking about something like that too. I was reading a speech author Douglas Adams gave once, and in it he talked about ways of communication and that there is a whole lot of many to one communication and that it can easily lead you to think that you live in a world that has a lot of influence on you, but you don't have any influence on it (seeing as you're only 1 in a billion). Leading to estrangement.
There is no sense of community any more, no sense of 'making a difference' of belonging. No wonder the more mentally retarded people resort to crime, cause hey, if what I do doesn't make a difference, I might as wel just do what the hell I like.
That's also what makes TFP such a great place, there is a community with certain values and beliefs, challenging these is okay, but if you cross the line you get banned. At times even I think of some of these rules as preposterous, but they are there and I abide by them or I go someplace else.
And if you say a kind word, or if you help someone with a problem, you make a difference. If you donate, you make a difference. Every time you post, the mods check it out, you're always going to be heard...
Anyway, this is just some private theory of mine that sprouted from thinking about the Metaphysics of Quality from the books by Robert Pirsig, for those who have read the books.