What a kind of a sick world is this?
My best friend called up an hour or something ago and seeing as it's Saturday night I expected him to call about going out.
So I pick up: "Hey! How are you, you bastard?" (I always call him a bastard, jockingly) and with a shaky voice he tells me that he's not that good and that I'd better sit down.
Turns out his girlfriend (and one of my good friends) got raped last night.
She had gone out with a couple of friends to a bar over here and got drunk and felt miserable, so she went home... alone.
She doesn't even live far away from the bar, maybe 10 mins by bike.
Anyway, halfway through she gets knocked off her bike by two guys and one holds her down while the other rapes her.
Anyway, he had spent all day with her and appearantly she's taking it pretty good, only my friend was falling to pieces. So we talked a bit about it, but I couldn't do much more than tell him that I feel his pain and just listen.
I was shocked. I still am.
He also said I could call her to give her my support and how she'd like that, but I shouldn't do more seeing as it's still too fresh. Still in my shock I failed to register the part about how she'd appreciate it if I called and I told him I would call her later (so I wouldn't disturb her now). Maybe I should have called with my support anyway.... It's too late (10 pm) now... Maybe I should still do it tomorrow...
What can you do? What would be best? It's the helplessness of it all, that's what my friend said too, that's the worst.
I mean, what kind of a sick world do we live in? Three days ago over here in the Netherlands a kid walks in the school and shoots his vice principal. Shoots him in the head, in the cafeteria. Guns are illegal, but I know for sure that if I wanted one, I could get one by the end of this week.
And even worse, a day later, the camera catches a bunch of kids sympathising WITH THE KILLER! Saying that 'the media' wasn't treating him fair. And that he should be released.
On the radio they said that 4 out of every 6 teenagers carry a weapon because they feel unsafe. A friend of mine offered to get me a knife a couple of months ago and I, in my naivety, didn't think I would ever need it so I turned the offer down. But right now I think I need to call that friend tomorrow...
EDIT: Sorry for the 'like' confusion
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
- Nathaniel Borenstein
Last edited by RelaX; 01-17-2004 at 01:49 PM..