If a divine being can experience the universe both as one and from our limited perspective, then the divine being experiences everything there is. I believe this is where you assume that this equals freewill.
The divine being experiences every choice. Yet, the divine being does not have a choice in this experience, it experiences the universe by default just like it exists by default.
Everything in the universe is where is as it is. God being the universe is as it is; there is no changing that, there is no choice.
I was attempting to push this thread in the direction of "free will", but is seems that everyone else wishes to talk in terms of Free Will.
Human beings are naturally curious, we always want to know how things works. We pop open free will’s hood and free will disappears. So either free will is a fictional concept used to dress up the machinery of circumstance and causality or we do not understand something about ourselves that makes us miss the source of our free will. Both options seem plausible, which leads me to conclude that for now I will be doing some double-think.