My wife and I did belly casts for our last two kids and had mixed results. My advice(as I was in charge of application). Make sure the humidity is low when you start- fascilitates drying.
Use as much material as you can- we used kits.
make sure the woman is VERY comfortable- moving around will misshape the results.
oil the skin liberally- to avoid unpleasant sticking.
Firm up the breasts- my wife was a bit touchy about the moderate sag, from the drying and
we also dried the umbilical cord into a spiral and hung it on the finished cast, between breasts.
we had home births so we could keep this momento, you may not have the option, but it looks really cool.
If you do it must be dried in a thin layer of oil. in a bowl.
Hope this helps, and good luck.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha