nice duck. i'll leave it at this. i beleive you have made a serious underestimation of the amount and gravity of evil in this world. you're not alone in that...privildge does this to people....but that doesn't really make it any better, i guess.
Many lessons were learned? I'd damn well hope so. But that doesn't even start to pay the tab for the value of human life that was wasted to do so. I preach that even such waste can be healed and redeemed by the love of God, but its not because we learned something that its "Ok."
What it comes down to...the trials of everyday life for a westerner do not usually include massive amounts of violence against the dignity of the human person. but for someone in the third world who dies while drug companies profiteer off AIDS, for someone who dies of starvation while the leaders and powers of the world stand by, for someone who dies in any number of oppresive regimes across the world...its not such a far cry to make comparisons to other genocides. As a liberation Christian, i'm called to see that suffering as immediate, and as pressing as my own. I'm not talking about everyday life for you or me. I'm talking about everday life for the people that are marginalized, broken and used because they didn't win the sperm lottery and found themselves in a position of social disadvantage.
ust because you do not accept a concept, does not make it less valid.
Same goes for you, no?
In fact, given your theology background it may give it more credence to many.
i'm not pointing fingers at the kid who smokes a bowl, or fucks around and crying "Evil" cause i'm a big bad intolerant Christian. Far from it. I'm crying through my tears for this world that our abuse of our fellow humans is a waste with out meaning, a sorrow that we don't even understand.