Originally posted by Strange Famous
This claim was not shredded and it is true.
People can find right wing websites that say anything they like, the facts remain. And it is hardly an unrelated point. i am talking about the people's rejection of Bush, and of course this is based in part on the fact he is not their elected leader.
Let us, always, be clear on one thing. Al Gore won the election. Bush was made president by the Supreme Court.
Strange Famous the only thing we are clear on is that you are a FAR, FAR, FAR, left wing young man who thinks the world socialist web sites are a good place to find unbiased news. I've long ago given up any up any hope logical argument from you if somehow president Bush is part of the debate, and I know I'm not alone.
As such lets try to keep it close to on topic, especially when we already had this debated in an another thread with you. We don't need to do it again. There is nothing you can do besides hijack at this point making such statements.