Originally posted by chavos
tecoyah...distrurbing to say the least. if suffering makes us smarter, then as a species we ought to be pretty damn brilliant by now. such theology i would see as directly opposing the rights and interests of marginalized peoples by offering a justification for their continued oppression....
Many humans just can't comprehend the Grand Wheel of our existance and why we are here.
It is not at all disturbing- only to the human mind- many of us choose to not see behind the pain, the guilt, the frustration of things that occur in our lives.
Ya, it is sad to see people kill, and it would be a difficult event to get past if it were to happen to a loved one- but then how could have "God" given us Free Will" and love unconditionally if we had limits, boundaries, and "commandements" we must abide by and we are judged?
but there is a reason and message behind EVERYTHING.
God- the Source of All Things- communicates through Experience.
How do we define who we are?
By experience.
And we learn more of ourselves through experience in which We Are Not (for instance, someone killing your loved one) than we do in experiences in which we are. Same goes for relationships. We learn more of Who We Are from interactions with people with quite the opposite opinions & ideas than we do with someone that we have a million things in common with.
It comes down to this: Choosing to see/listen to those messages or choosing to ignore them. It's our choice. It's how we evolve. That is why, as you say, we are not "damn brilliant"- because some of us choose to listen to the messages and know that there is a reason- and some ignore it and blame the outside world for what is happening to them. (Which that will never get us anywhere.)