I've got both a free standing and an insert.
Insert is from Earth Stove, now owed by Lennox. The free standing is a Whitfield.
Both are awesome and reduce my winter heating by better then half. I wouldn't trade them for anything, hope that pellets continue to be widely available, and would replace one if it needed replacement.
I spent four years splitting trees to burn in a wood stove, and that experience under my belt, I am happy to evolve to the pellet stove.
One draw back people often over look is that a pellet stove WILL NOT work during a power outage. They need electricity to operate the blower and feed auger. Any emergency type generator will do the trick in a pinch.
I am a big fan, have a bunch of experience, having burned, fixed and installed many different types of pellet stoves, and HIGHLY recommend them to anyone considering it.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.