For some reason, at my HS, the 'nerds' and 'geeks' more or less merged into the 'goths'. I mean, there were 'band geeks' and that definition, but the "smart but social outcast" group was the goths. Looking back, I realize just how cliquey sp? my HS was... in college it doesn't really matter, as long as you're not an ass. Although there are still some jocks in denial... they still seem to think they're hot shit, but its pretty funny watching them, cause they don't "own the school" anymore. Actually, the artsy people outnumber the jocks. I guess they could be considered the nerds and geeks in high school, only older, and they are the ones who will probably succeed in life.
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...