Many people aren't very organized, so they flock to something that can organize them. Pilates is okay. So is yoga. I have tried many different things just to keep entertained doing cardio. Believe it or not, my first yoga session just about kicked my ass, and I'm in okay cardio shape (I do cardio 6 days a week now).
I look at weight loss or maintenance in a new light now. After losing 51 lbs since June and 62 lbs since last January, I know that weight loss/maintenance is a life long thing now. I prefer not to do Atkins as I could not possibly maintain that low carb thing throughout my life. I realize that Atkins has an alternate menu that allows more carbs as you go on maintenance, but it is still something I don't feel I would be successful at. Weight Watcher's was what finally worked for me. I can eat anything I want, but I just make adjustments if I'm going to eat something really fattening. I work out like a fiend so that I can have the extra stuff I like. I have been benefitted by a much better appearance, more energy, and constant comments about how much weight I have lost.