Religion was created by man for a means of "meaning", "purpose" and to develop standards and boudaries to which people would feel more in place, "good", and stable.
Therefore, they developed a scenario of Good vs. Evil- and that there was this Evil Being-opposite of "God" to battle him and try to take people's sanity and souls.
Which contradicts in the bible quite a few times, although I do enjoy the bible.....
God created the heavens and the earth. He created EVERY ONE OF US equally- in "His own image and likeness". Therefore, how could we have been "born with sin?" If we are made into the image & likeness of God, then God would have to be of sin, as well- which the bible states that God is all-loving, all-powerful, and everywhere at all times.
Also, God gave us the gift of Free Will. FREE WILL- meaning, to do as we choose without judgement, exception, rules, or punishment.
So- how can we be given free will, be born into sin, and judged by an all-loving, all-powerful God who could send us to a "hell"?
The Devil is a character developed my man of the ancient church to describe "bad" things that we do and "bad" things that happen to us and others.