Timberpups a legitimate team this year?
Me being a Minnesotan I've always been a T'Wolves fan, it was hard before KG and its been frustrating with him. Anywho as of tonight the Wolves are at the top of the best conference in basketball having knocked the spurs. Since December first we are 18-3 with the best road record in the league. I think the acqisition of the Alien (Cassell) and the Predator (Sprewell) were just what the team needed, not to mention we have an injuried all-star Wally and T hud (who carried the team against the lakers in the 03' playoffs) sitting. I think this year might be the year KG makes it out of the first round and might make an honest run for the title. Lord knows the East is already dead in the water.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.