Thread: Lucid dreaming
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Old 01-14-2004, 10:51 PM   #10 (permalink)
I've had them, practice, and I'm pretty good now. It's been awhile, weed makes me less likely to remember/less likely to realize a dream state...

All I can say is, if you realize you're dreaming, don't try to fly first. That seems to be the first thing anyone tries, including myself. It does make sense. I just think this is too much for your brain to handle at once and remain sleeping. You will usually wake up very soon after trying to fly (and failing) if you didn't wake up right after going lucid.

Try something more basic, like turning around and _expecting_ to see something of your choice. This is the key, expecting it rather than trying to conjure it. I find that when I put effort into changing a dream, I always fail and usually wake up. If you just know that something is happening, it usually does/is.

I've pretty much mastered flying. One dream I was practicing jumping large distances across my city (miles long jumps) and, while floating above our valley, wondered why I shouldn't be able to instantly travel from one point in the valley to another. I couldn't quite get it, I ended up waking up after several _fast_ (but not instant) trips across the valley. I now believe I was concentrating to hard on traveling that distance, rather than knowing I was at my destination.

It's also easier to turn around or look in another direction for what you expect to see. I think that assembling a new scene is too much for the brain to process while staying asleep. Turning around gives you a clean slate to work with. Once I was being chased by an angry mob outside a busy movie theater, and when I went lucid, turned around and everyone was gone (because I knew they would be), unforturnately I immediately tried to fly, and that time it didn't work out.

I could go on, but I'll spare you guys if this didn't make any sense. Your mileage may vary. I'd be happy to share more, as it's one of my favorite subjects.
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