Consider a few possibilities.
Usability and interface design are going to become a major field in the next few years -- its already happening. You'd probably need some design experience and a BA degree to get in on this though.
A+ certification is a prerequisite for getting into many hardware tech support groups. Its a fairly cheap exam and your local Barnes&Noble has Idiot Books that'll teach you everything you need to know. These guys don't make $50k a year without a college degree though ... expect $32-36k. Usually hourly with weekends and "on call" nights.
Marketing. Requires a degree (Associates would probably be OK). Search engine placement and optimization (some programming required) is going to become an ever more important field as our national economies blend further. Designing advertisements too.
Web *design* -- different than developing. You'd develop the Adobe PSD files and turn them over to a development team. Its an artist position, but you'll need experience and a portfolio.
I'd be happy to help you further in your endeavor. PM me with any questions. I work in *all* of the above fields -- although I program too -- for a small firm in Macon, Georgia. BTW, I also have 2 bachelors degrees... but I wouldn't think that they were absolutely necessary. I work with a graphic designer with nothing more than a weekend certification in Adobe Photoshop from a local (Atlanta) community college (he later converted it into an Associates degree while working at the firm, but I digress)
These are all short or long term gigs. That winds up being totally up to you in terms of which jobs you take and which you pass up. I'm doing the small firm thing right now (they're an established print and video media firm, the Internet is a new to them) and looking for work at a similar place in a region I want to live in.
PM me sometime. I swear, most of the time my posts make *much* more sense. Its been a tiring day and my brain is shot right now (flat tire in the middle of B.F.E.).
Last edited by tritium; 01-14-2004 at 07:37 PM..