People were mentioning quantum uncertainty as a way of disproving Determinism. I just wanted to point out that quantum uncertainty is not the same as quantum randomness.
I totally agree with you though (as I said before), existence random events would not give us freewill.
Your Life analogy was quite excellent. If we perceive life on its basic level then yes we have life, but the moment we begin breaking it down we lose it.
Therefore if we perceive freewill as “the freedom to execute an intention”, and choose not to probe further into the complexities and causes of both our intentions and our ability to execute them then yes we have freewill. The moment we look into the cause behind our intentions and the actions that result we lose freewill.
The question is: which view point should we use? I suppose the answer is both. We end up with infinite regress if we continue to break down causes of our intentions. On the other hand if we take freewill at face value we many lose sight and understanding of our intentions.
Some would not accept this doulbe-think. Technically speaking, we really do not have free will, just as technically speaking, we really aren’t alive. I cant say that they are wrong. It's a pickle I say...
Aside - Is it free will written as two separate words or as one words eg. “freewill” or "free will"? Is there a difference in use?