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Old 04-29-2003, 11:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Report: Premature Ejaculation, Lasting Longer, Research.

(A Gonsalves)

This is my unedited report on Male Orgasm-Phase Difficulties and Premature Ejaculation. The research was done for my Human Sexuality course, so I figure it's good enough to share with all of you. Within are various ways to overcome premature ejaculation and a few myths disspelled. I believe there are too many bad ideas floating around the public - many rumors need to be straightened out, so education is the first priority. Please read up and digest.

Rapid ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, premature ejaculation: all names for the same sexual disorder. What that disorder is exactly has been several different ways in the past. From when a male is not able to withstand 30 seconds of intravaginal contact before he climaxes, to when he simply cannot last as long as he means to. The more endearing and comprehensive definition for this disorder comes to this: When either partner is dissatisfied with how quickly the man ejaculates, that is a problem. (Marilyn K. Volker, Ed.D., 1998) Definition of the issue is the least to worry about, though, when it comes to premature ejaculation, there are several causes and thankfully several solutions to this confidence-draining occurrence.

The causes of premature ejaculation can be anywhere from fear of women, to simply not paying attention. While a common piece of amateur advice given to men who suffer from jumping the gun is to think about other non-sexual things, that is actually the first step toward 'rapid deployment'. Nature has us wired to thrust in a way that brings us toward orgasm, so if we go on automatic pilot, we're going to come. (Robert Birch, Ph.D., 1998) Some men were born with a hypersensitivity to sex, where the slightest stimulation will set off their orgasm response and they ejaculate. Biologically, in fact, rapid ejaculation is standard among mammals. It's survival of the species; males need to plant their seeds efficiently. (Steve Manley, Ph.D., 1998) This is wishful thinking that the speed of ejaculation is somehow related to masculinity, though. The dog, for example, ejaculates very quickly. He also chases cars, drinks from puddles, and dies at the age of twelve.

There are three different types of methods to overcome premature ejaculation: The good, the bad, and the ridiculous. As mentioned before, thinking of something non-sexual or disgusting is not only ineffective, it could cause loss of erection, which could be even more embarrassing, and it negates the fun associated with sex, which is probably the reason why you're doing it in the first place. The start and stop method of resistance training through the act of masturbating to just before the point of ejaculation and stopping long enough to regain composure, then starting again has been said to condition the male partner to last longer, though aside from acquainting the male to the feeling of being left high and dry, it does not do much else. Another ridiculous method is for the couple to lie next to each other naked, facing away from each other, not thinking about sex, and avoiding all sexual contact. This is to supposedly calm down the over-excitable male who tends toward prematurity. For the couple that has to contend with premature ejaculation in the first place, they tend toward this sort of activity most of the time anyhow.

Better methods of preventing premature ejaculation deal with reducing the sensations felt between the penis and the vagina. The easiest way to do this is for the man to wear two condoms. The extra layers of latex are sure to dull most of the sensations felt during intercourse and give him the sensation of making love to a rubber glove. Simply putting the penis to sleep can effectively dull the normally intense sensations of lovemaking. There are ointments available for men that are called desensitizers, or benzocaine, which is a local anesthetic that numbs the sensory receptors of the penis. While this method is meant to merely delay orgasm, it may end up circumventing orgasm completely for the night. Also, some men may be allergic to benzocaine and can break out in red, oozing, itching blisters. That kind of reaction will definitely delay ejaculation. (David Reuben MD, 1969)

Not long after it's inception, the drug Prozac became recognized not only for it's mood-improving advantages, but also for one of it's interesting side effects: it seemed to delay orgasm. Today, the class of drugs that Prozac belongs to, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) have become the latest chemical treatment option for rapid ejaculation, especially among men for whom premature ejaculation seems to be a psychological problem. (Stephen C. George, K. Winston Caine, 1998) A study was done in which 60 men who were unable to sustain intercourse for longer than 30 seconds were given SSRIs. Virtually all of them were able to stay in the saddle for 6 minutes or more. Of patients treated with these drugs, 10 percent need to take them indefinitely, while 90 percent only need to take them intermittently when they are going to be having sex. (Roger T. Crenshaw, M.D., 1995)

Three more methods of preventing premature ejaculation should be taken at face-value. A variation of the start-stop technique called the squeeze method is where his partner grips the penis just below the head and squeezes firmly: After this sudden turn off, stimulation can slowly begin again. While it shouldn't be painful, it is very easy to misperform this act and cause one's partner some unforgettable pain. (Masters & Johnson) Training your PC (pubococcygeal) muscles is another way to shut off your orgasm right before it happens. The PC muscles are located in your pelvic region and they control the flow of urine. Doing exercises called Kegels will build up these muscles to the point where you can hold off ejaculation by flexing them before you reach the point of no return. Another variation of the start-stop method is to simply change positions often. Stopping and changing the pressure of stimulation will allow you to extend your running time by resetting your stimulation every time you change. (Robert Birch, Ph.D., 1998)

The best solutions to rapid ejaculation, however, do not rely on gimmicks or chemicals. Goal-oriented psychotherapy with a good psychiatrist is enough to overcome the giant hurdle of sexual endurance deficiency. (David Reuben MD, 1969) Sometimes, even spending hundreds of dollars isn't necessary. Maintaining a mantra to be chanted to yourself in an empathetic and determined way has a favorable chance of convincing yourself to withhold your orgasm until you are ready. An example of a common mantra is, "I will not spill my milk! I don't want to spill my milk! I am not going to spill any milk!"

Other orgasm-phase difficulties for men include retrograde ejaculation and outright ejaculatory failure. During retrograde ejaculation, semen is not ejaculated, but rather travels in the opposite direction into the bladder. This condition is caused by failure of the valve that shuts off the urinary passage during sexual activity. It is difficult, but not impossible for men with retrograde ejaculation to impregnate a woman. Sometimes methods of filtering out the sperm from the man's urine and then artificially inseminating the woman are necessary though. This technique has been proven effective, but since retrograde ejaculation is not a health-threatening condition, no pharmaceutical or surgical therapies have been developed for it. (George Ryan, 1997)

Ejaculatory failure, or P-A (psychogenic aspermia), occurs when everything works right: erection, stimulation and pleasure, but the orgasm never comes. Though there are many speculations as to the cause of P-A, it is largely thought of as a psychological condition and that it is treatable through psychotherapy. (David Reuben MD, 1969)

Afterwards: I recommend for both men and women to research 'Kegels' and entertain the idea of using those rituals to extend control over their body during sex. It works for both boys and girls.
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-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]

Last edited by Halx; 06-23-2006 at 07:29 AM..
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