Originally posted by Apokx
No,I'm not joking.
First of all,you're playing a game where the focus of said game is to A.Kill the other team B.Capture other team checkpoints..or likely C.Both A and B.
The point of Desert Combat is to gain flags, not just kill people. The team's first strategy is to get the flags. If the team has every flag, they're justified for going to the non-capturable spawn-point base. If you simply go and spawn kill, then your team will lose on a conquest Desert Combat map. It happens often. Snipers go and sit on their asses at the enemy base and their team ends up losing.
Originally posted by Apokx
Well,with the other team spawning constantly from their base,there is barely any chance that a single player will be able to fend off an entire spawning team.
It happens all of the time in Desert Combat. An Apache or Littlebird or a UH-60 Blackhawk with a good gunner can base camp for the entire match if the opposing team has no good anti-armor players. Again -- I'm not saying that this is bad gameplay, I'm saying that it's not smart gameplay. Lighting up the enemy base with the Apache is perfectly acceptable if your team has all of the flags.
Originally posted by Apokx
In fact,it sounds more like people who are concerned with keeping their scores higher than actually playing the game.
That's the exact definition of a spawn-killer. In Desert Combat, most people think they'll get more points spawn-killing than actually doing the objective (flags). Going for flags first will get you way more points than spawn-killing will.