I will most likely vote for Bush
No, I am an Independent.
I dont feel Dean will adequately protect our country, I dont want an angry man as Pres. If someone else besides Dean gets the nomination I will totally reconsider my choice at that point.
Confidence and an upbeat attitude. Also one that does not disagree with his opposition just to simply disagree
I disagree with Bush on the environment, his statement on the importance of human rights in Iraq but refusal to act in other places, and dont think we're focusing enough on Afghanistan and the Taliban. Despite this I will cast my clothespin vote for Bush.
Our country's foreign policy and a Pres. whos willing to comprimise and work with both parties, not too conservative and not too liberal.
Sure nothing wrong with a sense of humour as long as he takes his job serious.
As long as she is qualified and isnt a Clinton.
Absolutely not, religion plays a role in people's individual beliefs but first and foremost his policy with the priority on the lives of americans should be his backbone. One who believes in God can be just as radical as one who does not and vice versa. But this country will NEVER elect a President that openly admits he does not.
Despite all this mumbo jumbo, I will support the President we elect. I think there are many out there that do not support Bush and will raise doubt to whatever he does. For example, i respect those that oppose the war but at the same time there are some that still wish to see us fail so Bush is not re-elected and thats simply sad, those people dont deserve to be called americans