dont take a laptop.. i graduatede in 2002.. and i went through what you are going to go through in the future.
Your best bet is to follow sailor's advace..
take screenshots of sites that gauge the feel of your work, and unique/complicated features..
be sure to highlight in your presentation
"oh this image is created on the fly using javascript arrays and a randomizer and placed with CSS" etc..
take about 5-8 screenshots per website and only show the sites that are really relevant to the position applying for or the ones that are done better than the rest. You dont wanna kill them with a flood of screnshots, so keep the whole presentation short and sweet.
Another suggestion is to make a pdf of said screenshots, or director project, executable, powerpoint presentation, etc.. and place them on the businesscard sized CDs. I beleive they hold either 12 or 26 mb of data.
That way.. you can have your print portfolio and presentation..and hand the prospective employee your resume hardcopy and a little bizcard portfolio on your way out.
Good Luck!