Originally posted by Triton
Read Michael Moore, and ask yourself what the heck is this goverment doing to the US and the World. The guy should be court-martialed for high treason for chrissakes (in case you forgot, his job description is to protect and uphold the CONSTITUTION. Duh, I wonder if he ever even read it. Oh, never mind, he can't ...)
Just like "Bowling For Columbine" was a legitimate documentary?
I'm sorry, I'm no conservative but Moore is just a cheap rabble rouser looking to piss people off and make a buck while doing it. He's the Bill O'Reilly/Rush Limbaugh of the left.
As far as the article is concerned, there really probably is a valid concern over smuggling things in body cavities.
However, unless I'm mistaken, don't plastic explosives require a pretty strong detontator? Did she hide those in there too?
Anyways, what I think this all boils down to is the idea of sacrificing the few for the good of the many. Perhaps a few hundred people didn't get home as soon as the wanted to, but maybe, just maybe because of the security measures they were allowed to come home alive instead of chunked together with plane wreckage.
Homeland security will never be perfect, but I think its going to take a while to iron the kinks out.