Saddam did have a powerful friend on the UN Security Council in the USA to keep him free of any official sanctions. Plus we provided him with banking needs when the rest of the world cut him off for his abuses.
I think the situation with Karimov can be summed up as catching a kid running with his pockets full of knives. You pay him off to take them away from him. Maybe he keeps one or two you don't know about. He knows they are valuable to other people too. Shouldn't get rid of all your cards in one game you know. But because you refused to teach him a lesson to make him a better person, he instead learned the lesson that there are rewards for his behavior and he can basically run around doing whatever he wants. And big brother America will be there to back him up.... So, why not invade and claim the wealth and resources of their neighbors Kazakhstan or Turkmenistan? He, in some warped ways feels he deserves it. [Repeat Gulf War I]
Now, don't get me wrong. I think it's admirable to buy up these weapons. But don't sacrifice the ideals of this country, don't sacrifice the lives of real people to do it. There are ways to do both, and keep your soul.
Last edited by Superbelt; 01-13-2004 at 07:19 AM..