I understand the concept of a progressive income tax. It's the current model used by the US as well.
Having a positive balance is great. However, the idea that there is something excessive or decadent about growing wealth, and that we should only concern ourselves with what we need right now, is a preposterous and dangerous idea.
Wealth provides more security and safety in the modern world. Wealth breeds new jobs and new prosperity for real, every day people who come from peasant-class ancestry and have fought and clawed their way to a middle class status over multiple generations (as, I assume, most of us did). Excessive taxation keeps the middle class entrenched in their current economic status. It's tied to government's natural and perverse need to perpetuate its own power, imo.
But I digress. . .
In spite of everyone's apparent pleasure in paying high Eurpean tax rates, my point is that the U.S. offers <i> a little</i> more economic liberty in terms of the amount of your money the government confiscates for "the common good."
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?