ok. Now that's IT. Have we lost our mind ?
1) what prevents the terrorists (women or any other) to take off on another flight, different from the one cancelled ?
Oh, I forgot, it would look *conspicuous* to go to the counter and buy tickets right there to, say, NY instead of Washington. Its not like that is exactly the kind of thing people would do to get to their goddamn destination while all these terrormongers cancel flights at random (intelligence my ass!).
So how can you tell the 5 stranded passengers trying to get to the US from 5 crazy vagina-bombs ? Huh ?
The moment someone searches my fiancee *there* I can assure I will kick someone's ass into pulp, that's for sure
2)"specific intelligence" -- I am just waiting to see, in some ten years, what the fuck the Bush administration means when they speak about specific intelligence (not the prez's for sure), that someone told them at the corner of the street maybe ? What credibility has that guy ? ZERO ? Oh, but he is a source.
3) Read Michael Moore, and ask yourself what the heck is this goverment doing to the US and the World. The guy should be court-martialed for high treason for chrissakes (in case you forgot, his job description is to protect and uphold the CONSTITUTION. Duh, I wonder if he ever even read it. Oh, never mind, he can't ...)
Last edited by Triton; 01-12-2004 at 10:39 AM..