Originally posted by Kaos
I hope you are joking. What a stupid statement.
I don't spawn kill ever. If someone happens to spawn in front of me, I will not fire unless they commence firing on me.
Right now, the only game I play online right now is Red Faction. Sure there are spawn killers in that game, just like every other game, but with Red Faction when you spawn you can get some pistol shots away before the enemy's shots do any damage.
Any Red Faction players out there?
No,I'm not joking.
First of all,you're playing a game where the focus of said game is to A.Kill the other team B.Capture other team checkpoints..or likely C.Both A and B.
Well,with the other team spawning constantly from their base,there is barely any chance that a single player will be able to fend off an entire spawning team.
Instead of being an asshole,and saying my comment was stupid..take a moment to read what you said.
You play games that are based on player vs player..and you wait to see if another player is "ready" before firing? Manners,in a war game? I don't recall the last time a player said "Look out guys,I'm shooting a SCUD,hope you're ready!" in Desert Combat.
In fact,it sounds more like people who are concerned with keeping their scores higher than actually playing the game.
Cheating is one thing,but using the game's own rules to win a situation is hardly cause for bitching,moaning and otherwise hatred of other players.
Lastly,I've never been in a situation where I was pinned down at a spawn point for very long.Change your tactics,don't rush the same area every time..it isnt THAT hard to avoid it.