Originally posted by anleja
Thanks for the responses. When I wrote this I had just finished reading an article laying out the (potential) domino effect of oil shortages.
We're never going to run out of energy resources. Ever. Research is being done on so many different kinds of new and/or renewal energy resources. The only reason that this stuff doesn't come to market is that oil is still 'way cheap, and it's hard to fund development of a new energy technology, mass-produce it and get it up to speed so that you can cut prices due to economy of scale when you're losing money the whole time because you're competing with oil.
But when the oil spigot starts to run dry and energy prices rise, expect massive funding, public and private, to land on all sorts of energy generation schemes, from cogeneration to ocean wave electricity generators, cheaper solar, more efficient engines, beamed energy from space, all sorts of things.
Case in point: in parts of Europe where electricity is expensive and conditions are right, there are huge wind-powered generators off the coast in large numbers. The Danes in particular are leading the world in wind power. We're starting to see those generators go up in this country, but they were developed in places where the cost of power made it smart to pour money and resources into renewable energy. So somebody did. And that's the way the future will go.