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Old 01-11-2004, 10:20 PM   #17 (permalink)
JS has the right idea. Eating several smaller meals throughout the course of the day will help you feel full and keep you from snacking unnecessarily. Water is a must. If your Wyler's Lite is anything like Crystal Light, then you are also on the right track (sugar free, low calorie content, powdered drink mixed with a lot of water). The trick is to keep yourself hydrated. Cut back on soda and other empty calories. If you must have soda, try switching to diet varieties. Nothing replaces water though.

I understand eating on a limited budget. As far as food goes, cook for yourself. You said that you can afford $2 a day, right? That $2 transfers to about $60 a month. For $60 you can certainly afford whole grain cereal (for breakfast or snacking, it takes me a month or so to eat a whole 16 oz box of cereal), rice, chicken or turkey, vegetables (for a filling lunch or dinner bowl / plate), tea (for when you are hungry and / or tired of water. A warm beverage will help fill you up and keep you hydrated), etc. No, this will not feed you the entire month long, but it will help you eat healthier, which is just as important. You can pre-package cereal or veggies for convenient snacking, and you can make the rice/chicken/veggies in bulk and dish out a bit when you want it. Salads are also easy to make in large quantites. And salad / rice/veggies / chicken / turkey are easy to tastily modify to keep you interested in them.

Keep an eye on the amount of what you eat and the serving sizes. Portion control is important, but so is the quality of what you eat. Don't deprive yourself of the things you like, but keep the portions under control. If you feel deprived, you will binge, no matter what. Try having a glass of milk once or twice a day. If you feel that you must chew something, but aren't hungry, try sugarless gum. If I recall correctly, chewing gum is supposed to relieve stress. If you find that you still want to eat when you know you don't need to, then drink a glass of water and go for a walk, or call a friend to go out for a while. Remove the temptation.

Anything else, you can PM me.

Remember, it takes 30 days to break a habit, and 30 more to make it stick.

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- Smashing Pumpkins
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