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Old 01-11-2004, 04:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
It all started with the finding of the script (or so we are led to believe) of the 10 Commandments that Moses was given from God.
It could be that- A, the whole 10 commandments story was made up,
B- moses thought or decided to make a 10 commandments list and say GOd told him to.
God does not judge- otherwise how could He be all-loving, all-powerful and give us the gift of Free Will? We are truly all created in the image and likeness of Him- his offspring- really no different than Him, except for our Human Form and the fact that once we enter the world we we forget The Truth- some remember a great amount, some don't. It's all about Evolution.
But, God is not superior, He is everywhere you look, everything you touch and hear, everything you dream.
He does not hold anything against anyone, sees us all as holy and equal, and does not cast us into a Hell or send us to Heaven, but to become One with Him again in what we know as the Afterlife.

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