What if i get a titty-woman tattooed on my forearm? Should i then be subjected to arrest and possible incarceration, because some kid might look at my arm and be reminded of what boobies look like?
It is ridiculous that nudity is such an obscene thing in america. OMIGOD, BOOBIES!!! Any kid whose parents get the premium channels or E! can see that junk on TV every night. Much less that little fad known as the internet. There's always the shocked, "BUT, WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?!?!?!?" I think as far as auto-erotica(heh) the children will be fine. It's the prudishness of society we need to worry about.
I think the only obscenity here is the fact that a woman is being charged with a felony for having frontal nudity on her car. Its like arresting someone for swearing. I bet in the fifties you could get arrested for having a woman showing a little leg painted on your car. How rational does that sound?