This is very long and complicated, so if you want to see the rest of the information, go to the link. I'm just showing what I think is important to the point that I am making.
Iraq declared that it filled approximately 13,000 artillery shells with mustard prior to 1991. UNSCOM accounted for 12,792 of these shells, and destroyed them in the period of 1992-94. However, Iraq also declared that 550 mustard-filled artillery shells had been lost in the aftermath of the Gulf War; it later (in March 2003) claimed that this figure was arrived at by way of approximating the amount used, for which reliable records are not available, and thus the quantity unaccounted for is simply a result of the use of unreliable approximations. UNMOVIC report that the 550 artillery shells would contain between them "a couple of tonnes of agent" ("Unresolved Disarmament Issues", 6 March 2003, p.76). The extent to which these - if they still existed - could constitute an ongoing danger should be assessed in light of the need to deploy large amounts of mustard for effective use.
Iraq has admitted that 550 mustard filled artillery shells were missing in the UNSCOM destruction. (and we only just found 36) That means they were missing. So that does not put them at odds with the resolution.
Plus, we have plenty of "initial tests" prove to be false. But it is unlikely that it's the case this time.
Regardless, this is not the smoking gun. Especially since this has been
admitted to be missing.