Originally posted by Stare At The Sun
I don't care if it was in violation of 1441, the possesion of a couple of 15 year old mortars does NOT justify all these GI's dying, he over 100 BILLION dollars, and all of this stuff that we as a country have to go through.
Seriously, other countries violate accords and treaties set out from before, but we can't go invading the entire world now can we?
What exactly *would* justify it to you then? A couple of new mortar shells? A couple of canisters of VX nerve gas? An active ICBM?
IF (big if) these mortar shells contain mustard gas, that is a direct violation of the relevant UN resolutions. Iraq wasn't allowed to have them, and they did (/would have). It really doesn't matter how they were stored - they were illegal, period.
Seriously, first anti-war people claim that the war is illegal because there were no WMDs to be found. Now we might have found them, and they're suddenly not bad enough? It's just never good enough, is it?
And finally: seriously, not everyone that murders someone is caught and punished, so that must obviously mean that murderers that do get caught should be set free too.