Originally posted by Stare At The Sun
If you think a few MORTAR shells are worth going to war over, try telling that to the families of all the GI's that have died, and that will die, and to all the innocents that were killed in this pointless war.
I think you miss the point.
The point is that Saddam said there that all the chemical weapons were destroyed.
We now have solid evidence that at least some where specifically wrapped and buried, possibly for latter retrieval.
The question know becomes, is this an isolated case?
Consider that it took us this long to find these things in a country the size of California.
That's a lot of desert to search.
And if they had been buried for 10 years, that means he hadn't been violating anything since 1993!
Buried (wrapped in plastic, mind you, not just buried to rust) is not destroyed. Saddam clearly violated all the UN resolutions as well as the cease fire from the first Gulf War.
I mean come on, this is a trivial find, and everyone knows it. Don't act as if we found 10 nukes w/ ICBM's, pointed at every major city in the US.
I don't see anyone on this board doing that.
But you shouldn't be a Saddam appologist either and say that this is "trivial".
Let me ask, just how many shells must there be for it to not be "trivial"? 99? 100? 499? 500?
They are 10 year old buried mortars that couldn't work if anyone wanted to launch them.
Do you know that for sure or are you just guessing because it is too hard to admit to yourself that you may be wrong and that Saddam maybe, just maybe, lied?