01-10-2004, 09:28 PM
#11 (permalink)
Originally posted by strife
Wow, everyone thanks a lot, this is great, and much more than I expected, thanks for everyone's help especially Dilbert and Ashton.
One more quick question, is it possible to create a list of files without actually having the files?
I suppose you mean creating a list of JPG. URL's in numerical order? If that's what you mean all you have to do is copy/paste this into notepad then save it, when you want to create a URL list you open the file.... copy the # then click edit/replace, paste the # into 'find what' and type the URL into "replace with" click 'replace all'. Notepad will remove the # and add the URL to each of the numbers.
He He He..... this is my trick for snatching pic's from sites that think they're sneaky and are set so most downloaders like Ezpic's & Express Webpic's won't work...... I just make my own set of URL's and load the file into HTTrack, HTTrack downloads each pic just as if you were at the site clicking and saving them one at a time. By using 100 pic's as a base set of numbers you are sure to get the whole set...... although a have another file that goes to 200 just in case there's more than 100. 