Strange things growing up
When I was younger there was this one house up on the escartment. It had been there for as long as I can remember. Someone would buy or rent the place and they would spend time cleaning it up renovating it and then 2 months later they would move and within a week the house looked like nothing had been done to it. This happened for the longest time. People would come in do this that and the other, painting inside and out, fixing windows , shutters and everything the house would look wonderful, and shortly after that the people moved out and the house went back to looking like it had never even been touched.
There were so many rumours that with every family that lived there someone in that family would take ill, or die. I cant even begin to look into exactically what was going. I tried I just cant find any newspaper clipings or reports about it.
When I was about 14 or 15 years old I was babysitting my cousins. They were sleeping upstairs in their rooms. I was watching tv in the livingroom and I heard the back door open. I called out thinking it was my cousins (parents) coming in, but there was no answer. I heard footsteps going up stairs. It wasnt a scary feeling or anything like that it was more of a comfort one. I was in a house it was the first time I actually stayed over and I didnt really know the neighbourhood. I had been ther plenty of times just never late at night and somewhat alone. Anyways what was happening is that the footsteps would go up stairs walk to one room and then to the next. All I can figure is that who ever it was would be coming home from work going upstairs and checking on his/her children and going to bed. Only thing is after they checked on the kids the footsteps would stop back at the top of the stairs and I didnt hear anything again, til the next time I was alone. I told my mom about it when I got home and she said that she had the samething happen to her.
I couldnt think of anything to put here , but I guess anything would do