Do you really think that we have a right to preach our world's version of Christianity to another life form? This immediately brought to mind the old Earth centric view of the universe. Who's to say our version is better than their version?
Could be. I mean, would that be all that different than preaching the Jews version of salvation to all of humanity? But I actually suspect that this is the least likely of the options. We teach that Jesus had to be human, because only a human could die for the sins of a human. But if that's true (and aliens presumably aren't human), then they would need a different mode of salvation.
In trying to evaluate this, I'd look and see whether any of their religions map onto the central concepts of Christianity. Do they believe in sin? Do they believe in grace? For a religion to be true (assuming they are fallen), at the very least the answer to these two questions would have to be yes.