Mormons on two occasions, they were pretty cool. Just guys doing something they believed in, and not overbearing or anything about their religion.
I've run into a few Evangelists / Born Again Christians. These are different all together. The ones I've encountered, I felt like they didn't care about who they were preaching to, they were just trying to prop themselves up for their own egos and to score points with God, where the Mormons were really just preaching because they thought their message would help us.
The Evangelists would show up at gay-related meetings I've been too (I'm not gay but I have a few gay friends) and give us the whole "Satan loves homosexuals!" spiel. I have a few bible verses memorized just for those occasions to catch them in contradictions, but the Evangelists usually are all like "Well if you read <i>this</i> crazy translation, then it says something I agree with". And then there's the tactic they all love in big groups: Ignore the guy who knows what he's talking about, like they're a kid saying "I can't heeaaaar you!" and just find gullible people they can get with cheap debate tricks.
Also approached by various Eastern religion people several times. I like to talk to them, just to learn about their religions... sometimes they're a little pushy about getting you to commit to stuff though.
Last edited by rock_bottom; 04-29-2003 at 08:04 PM..