Sounds like the hood control is shorted. Normally, when the thermostat calls for heat, the burner comes on (small flame turns to big flame). When the chamber warms to a certain point, the hood control turns on the fan to distribute the warm air. There are lots of different types of thermostats though, some of which have a switch to turn on the fan all the time. If you have a "fan" switch make sure it's on "auto". Make sure the temperature setting is above the current temperature, and the control is on "heat". Having said all that, if you're in a rental, call the landlord and get it fixed NOW! If you own, you should still be able to find someone who will come out now -for a price- but it should be a fairly quick and inexpensive fix. Good luck!
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx