Well, I'm a sensitive guy. I used to have an sensitive girlfriend. Once, she was feeling off for some reasons so I dragged her out of the house somewhere and she felt better. Along the way she bitched and moaned a little bit about our relationship and life in general. So I did a little bitching and moaning -- not directly at her, just sharing feelings -- and suddenly I had "ruined the evening." I don't usually get all alpha, but at that I told her that she was out of line and that sharing is a two-way street and if she couldn't see that she had a long way to go, and I didn't want to hear that sort of thing anymore. At that point she melted all over me and we went home and had great sex (not all that usual in that relationship).
I think that was the day I knew that that particular relationship was doomed. Anybody who emotionally needs Big Daddy to keep her in line isn't the kind of equal partner I'm looking for. Eventually married a woman with a degree in math and a strong and loving personality. We get along great.