So, I'm following the instructions to install gentoo (stage 2) on an Athalong XP 2100+, 20 gig HD, I'm on this step here:
and i use links2 to download the file (I've tried 3 different mirrors at different times).
I run tar -xvjpf stage20-athalon-xp-20030910.tar.bz2
it un-tars fine for awhile then it errors. the message is this:
tar: ./usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2.3/libcgj.a: Wrote only 2560 of 10240 bytes
each file after that will read something like this:
tar: skipping to next header
< file path here >
tar: < same file path>: Wrote only 0 of 10240 bytes
tar: skipping to next header
So... I have tried different mirrors, I've sucessfully un-tarred this file before... I don't understand what the issue is. any help appreciated.