Originally posted by matthew330
The NFL is clearly concerned about having a successfull black head coach - as evidenced by the fact you get sued if you don't interview an african american, because they are overwhelmingly white.
It's not racist to infer that the NFL would like a successfull black quarterback, who as well are overwhelmingly white. McNabb was getting a boatload of attention, whether or not he deserved it is debatable, if your on the side that he didn't, it's completely reasonable to suggest it is because he is black.
Don't mean to hijack, just wanted to point that out.
Hillary Clinton used a degrading stereotype to get a laugh. There is no argument there.
Actually, rush was refering to the MEDIA, being very "desirous" for a successful black quarterback. The nfl already has a few successful black QB's. mcnair, culpepper, moon, cunningham, some guy named mike vick and yes, mcnabb.
Didn't rush once tell a black caller to "take the bone out of his nose"?
Don't mean to hijack, just wanted to point that out.
And, if hillary wanted to make a statement similar to the rush/mcnabb she would have said something like, "the city of st. louis is very desirous that an indian should own a gas station so that is really the only reason that an indian man named ghandi(like the activist), whom i know from st. louis, was allowed to purchase his gas station. He really isn't qualified to own his own gas station, but was allowed to out of the desirousness of the city of st. louis".
If she had said that, than i could see comparing the two statements.