well, my sister's b/f 'humps' guys when they get in a fight. They end up laughing instead of fighting. If thats not crazy, i'm not sure what is.. heh. And I mean.. Two OTHER guys get in a fight.. he 'humps' them...
Me? I personally don't say "hello" much anymore, I just say something completely and utterly random.
Lightning? Oh I love to cheer it on. I remember One day I was driving home from work, when I was working second shift. It was about 12:10 AM... dark as can be... yet pouring down rain and lightning like the fourth of the july. I was driving between counties and so it was farm land. This mean that there were at least a mile on either side of me before trees had a chance to get in the way of my viewing pleasure. Now for the fun Part. I'm driving 65 MPH, with my window down... with my left arm flailing in the wind while getting splattered with rain-drops. My head is almost sticking out of the window as I'm looking straight up and watching lighting ripple through the sky and make tree's of light all of the place. It was truely an amazing moment for me. After every one I'd scream at the top of my lung in "oohs" and "ahs"& "Hell yeah!" and "SWEEEET!!" Of course we must not forget while doing all of this, I probably had Ozzy playing in my CD player at near full volume. That was a fun drive home indeed.
Heh.. Here's a funny story. When I was younger, my sister didn't come home for dinner no matter how many times my parents told her. They then told me to go over there and GET HER HOME! SO I thought to myself.. What can I do to ENSURE she comes home.. NOW!.... I had an idea and ran over there to tell her something. What did I say, you ask? "Lindsey! Lindsey! Come Home Quick!! The House Is On Fire!!!!"
... and yes I got in trouble for that one.. she did come home quick though!
There's a few wacky stories for ya.