Pit Bulls are great dogs.. I'd vote to stay Pit Bull.. New Yorkie? How many different ways can you take that? heh.
Now to retort to YNH
Originally posted by yournamehere
Not to pick on you, <b>mb99usa</b> but just about every story about an unprovoked attack by a pit bull contains at least one <i>"they were all friendly, gentle dogs"</i> comment from the owner, or a neighbor. Yeah - they're all nice gentle dogs until they rip the arm off of one of the neighbor kids.
You could say the EXACT thing about me... yet i'm allowed to go out in public (Keep the immature jokes out of here please). I'm a nice, easy going kinda guy. But you know? At any moment I could lash out and stab you with a knife. I'm sorry but that is a weak excuse. Everything is good until it is bad... not just a dog.
My neighbors used to have a mixed breed. It was half Pit Bull and half.. something else. Either way, this dog was HUGE!! For the first year of them living beside us, we were downright terrified of that dog. Just simply because of its size. It would have had NO problem jumping over the four foot fence. Believe it or not, the dog was a huge scare-D-Cat. If we'd walk up to the fence (as he was literally leaning on it with his front paws on the top bar), he jump down and back away. It was pretty funny actually. He was a very good dog. Completely got me off that stereotypical view of them. These dogs are just as good as any other breed of animal. They are only known as "violent" because of a few reasons. Ya know, like how some people treat the animals like shit.. aka bad owners.. or perhaps how they train them to attack. There is Cock Fighting with chickens.. well some people use Pit Bulls.. well if you've been trained to fight, and fighting is the way you get good marks by your owner.. you'll fight..
Just because you see some as evil doesn't mean all are evil. To judge all of a species by one or two in it... is wrong and unjust. It too is wrong to state that just because something has the possiblity of doing something bad, that it must then be bad.
Can dogs really sense fear? If they can that would explain why some people get attacked. They see a pit bull and initially fear it because they were taught to, from there the dog senses it.. and well, you know the rest. Be nuetral to it, and it shall be nuetral to you.