Phew, for a minute there I was freeking out!
I have an 80B, but apparently a 'European 80B' corresponds with a fairly reasonable 'US' 36B, so I'm not that "extra-breastial" as I thougt!
Anyway, I hate 'bra-shopping': you spend houres in a tiny lockerroom, fitting millions of bra's and most of the time the only ones that fit you are those you didn't even like in the first place!
I normally have an 80B (so a 36B for you Yankee-girls) but it's more often the case that a 80B is way too small while a 75A (which is normally too small) can be miles too big.
It is as if the guys who make them misplace the labels on purpose, probably working in close alliance with those guys who monitore the security-cams in the lockerrooms