I don't get why everyone makes a big deal about PCI express
We are no where near saturating the 8x AGP bus. All the memory intensive rendering chores have to be done on the gfx card from it's own memory even with PCI express. PCI express is being introduced because of i/o considerations in other applications. The additional bandwidth that can be used for gfx cards is just an added plus for the distant future.
Don't be fooled into waiting for a PCI-express or paying 500 dollars for it. If you can get an AGP 8X version of the same card for less then go for it (Don't forget the premium you will pay for the motherboard). When PCI-express comes out and the benchmarks are done you will see that the performance difference between AGP 8x and PCI-express will be negligible in this generation of gfx hardware.
"It better be funny"
Last edited by kel; 01-08-2004 at 11:29 AM..