Before it is determined that someone deserves to face repercussions for something they say which may be viewed as insensitive to some particular culture or race of people, you need to first examine the speaker's history of personal and public behavior toward that race or culture. Does the speaker's statement tend to reinforce a present perception that the speaker is opposed to another race or culture and unable to treat them fairly? If so, the speaker deserves public condemnation.
Political officeholders should not be allowed to get away with promoting division between people based on nothing other than skin color or ethnic background.
Having said that, Hillary has nothing in her background to suggest that she harbors any antipathy to India or Indians - - or to any race or ethnic group for that matter. Was her comment intended to be divisive? Certainly not. But her comment wasn't particularly clever or funny either - - as it seems to have been intended. We may even say fairly that her comment was rather stupid.
Anyone spending any time attacking Hillary for her comments
in this instance is overreacting and likely has a political agenda.