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Old 01-08-2004, 12:37 AM   #270 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by ComradeJoe23
Something funny happened yesterday. I was at my friends coffee shop, and these three girls walk in and they are checkin me out. So I go and sit at the table next to them and they turn around and I start flirting with the 3 of them. and the other chicks were like ya ur just saying that to get in his pants, ect ect. Anyway I decide to leave them while the conversation is good, and I go and plop down a paper, take out my pen, and go to the hottest chick and say "Hey, write your number down and we can continue this conversation later." When I said this, one of the other girls was like, "Dude, do you know how old she is?" And they told me she was 14. I was like holy crap! She wouldnt give me her number of course, and I wouldn't fuck a 14 year old anyway cause that is a sure ticket to jail. (I'm 18) So basically, that was kinda funny. Damn teens look so old now, it's all the hormones they are pumping into beef.
Dude, you are classic. You are playing this perfect. I especially liked this:
The one chick in the middle is the hottest, so of course I don't concentrate on her. They make jokes about staring at my crotch (apparently they noticed I went commando that day) and then the hot one said something about how she lies. I say I don't like liars and then she quickly changes her attitude and is like "No I'm kidding I only tell the truth."
G'damn I feel like I wanna hug you haha. You actually are reminding me of how I would have done it. Who cares if she was 14 or 50, the fact is you are practicing perfecting your game and you are doing a great job too! Keep it up, your story made my night
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