Originally posted by Markaz
Buy a cheap card like me. I got a radeon 9600 pro and you can't tell a difference from the 500 dollar cards. Cost me 122 bucks. The only problem is it gets hot as all hell...
Can't tell a difference? Maybe not in some games, but in newer games the $500 cards perform more than 50% better than other cards. I bought a 5900 Ultra this past summer, and even from my TI4200 it was a HUGE upgrade. It looked so much better.
Originally posted by Hercules
Thanks for your comments.
I was thinking about a 9800 XT, which is about $415
Would that be going too far?
Is it too early to tell if 256 MB of memory on it is useful?
Yes, the 256 MB of memory is useless. The only way that extra 128 MB will be tapped is if you run it at 8X anti-aliasing with triple anisoptric filtering on at a resolution of 1600*1280 with every graphical option turned to high while burning a DVD-RW in the background.
128 MB is enough. Like I said earlier, I'd save the money and buy a GeForce FX 5900 NON-ultra or a Radeon 9800 NON-Pro. Then again, if you DO have the money to spend, go for the 9800 XT or 5950 Ultra. They're amazing cards, but it will put ya back on the wallet.