Originally posted by Endymon32
Do you think Nigeria would even what us to help them change their society?
" here is money, all you have to do is change your education, seperate your church and state, and drop your rule by Islamic law"
" O boy, sure, I thought you would never show us ignorant people how its done"
Come on, places like Nigeria THINK they doing the correct thing, and WE are wrong. Do you actually think they will accept our help? Sure they will accept our money, but to actually do something with it?
Now, I'm no international diplomacy expert, but here's a few thoughts:
2 options when it comes to money, the first being cold, hard cash, the second being trade agreements. These are FAR from the only two options we can dangle in order to provide incentive for change, others being military cooperation, improved world standing, etc.
Now, I could be wrong, remember, I'm no expert, but the way these agreements between nations work is that we demand something in exchange for our generosity. Stuff like shutting off government funding of the madrasahs that teach only the koran, building real schools, etc. Get the picture?
Now Bush has a chance to show the world that his speech at the UN wasn't the cynical piece of political grandstanding much of the world took it for, and to really put his money where his mouth is.
*edited to remove personal attack on Endymon32*