I would have loved to have an RC truck, I could be sitting on the couch, drive it to the kitchen, yell 'BEER!' at whoever was near the fridge, and then drive the truck and it's precious cargo back to me.
Hell, what I really need is a robot bartender.
Anyways, I've been specifically asking for nothing for christmas from my parents for the past 7 or 8 years. Yet for the longest time, my Mom would get me knockoff brand name clothes, stuff like 'Tommy' instead of 'Tommy Hilfiger'. I'd accept these with a smile and a thank you, but they'd be tossed in the goodwill box before New Year's.
My mom eventually commented that she never saw me wearing any of those clothes, I explained that they weren't my style, I didn't even like the brands they were copying. I re-explained that I really, truly, seriously, wanted nothing for christmas, but if she felt she had to get me something, a small kitchen gadget would suffice. Anyways, that's all I get now, and I'm happy.