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Old 01-07-2004, 05:48 PM   #19 (permalink)
Originally posted by HunterDevourer
In what is regarded as a very flimsy precedent endymon...And his band mates are just as bad by doing reunion tours which deceive audiences into believing Biafra will be there (use of his name in promos I believe, as well as photos of band circa biafra).
Flimsey precedent? Getting paid for your work is a flimsey precedent? Jello owns the record label that produce the Dead Kennedies. He didnt pay the memebers of his band the royalties they deserve. Are you now supporting CEO's screwing their employees?
As far as the band mates touring, why is Jello in the right for suing for them using his name ( which he is correct) but his band is using a flimsey precedent for him using their work?
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